The ETEK 15HP 48 Volt Electric Motor only at Superkids Online! Our motor is the OEM Briggs & Stratton ETEK Motor!
The 48 Volt ETEK Motor Provides 32 ft-lbs of torque independent of vehicle voltage. Maximum Speed is self regulating and is set by the manufacturer to meet specific application requirements. Improvded regenerative braking can be set to meet terrain requirements and individual needs for feel. It also reduces brake wears and enhances battery life.
Axial Air Gap DC Disc Armature means alot of power in a small package.
Permanent Magnet field provides high effeciency and minimal loss of speed as motor increases.
Reliability and rugged construction, with no cimmtator connections, reduce maintenance costs, and extend motor life.
High power to weight ration due to compact disc construction and intergral cummatator.
Lightweight Aluminum Frame.
Voltage Constant: 72 RPM Per Volt
Torque Constant: 1.14 in lb/Amp (0.13Nm/Amp)
Maximum Motor Current: 330 Amps for 1 minute
Motor Weight: 21 lbs
Motor Output: Maximum 15Hp, 6 Hp Continuous
Maximum Motor Voltage: 48 Volts V.D.C
Maximum No Load Current: 6 Amp